Responsible for Background design and color, FX and Character color and lighting. Character design and layout by Evan Palmer.
Season 2 Feature Colorscript
 Responsible for lighting and color over 2-D storyboards.
 Responsible for lighting and color over 2-D storyboards.
 Responsible for lighting and color over 2-D storyboards.
 Responsible for lighting and color over 2-D storyboards.
 Responsible for Background Paint.  Background Design by Malachi Ward.
 Responsible for Background Paint.  Background Design by Malachi Ward.
 Responsible for Background Paint.  Background Design by Malachi Ward.
 Responsible for Background Paint.  Background Design by Malachi Ward.
 Responsible for Background Paint.  Background Design by Malachi Ward.
 Responsible for Background Paint.  Background Design by Malachi Ward.
 Responsible for Background Design and Paint.
 Responsible for Background Paint.  Background Design by Corwin Herse-Woo.
 Responsible for Background Design and Paint.
 Responsible for Background Design and Paint.
 Responsible for Background Design and Paint.
 Responsible for Background Design.
 Responsible for Background Design.
 Responsible for Background Design.
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